In the name of God, the most Merciful, the Compassionate,
Praise be to God, Lord of the World, and Prayers and Peace be upon Final Prophet and Messengers, our Master Mohammad and all his Family and Companions.
Dear parents……..My belovedstudents………It is a deep pleasure to meet in the hallway of education. and in every hall ofTaqarob school we try to paint a bright future for our youth.We recognize and acknowledge how education becomes a top priority of contemporary life, and a form of rapid development at every level. Education is a necessity for advancing the socio-economic development, and this tangible scene need not be proven.
Our visit to many countries of the developed world, proved to us that these countries have entered the world through the gate of education, so it is not surprising that Islam attaches great importance to education and it is no wonder that we became a nation of” Read”, and education is imposed on Muslims (men and women) Almighty said in the Koran " are those who know, and those who do not know equals? Those with bright minds can remember”. of AL-ZomorSura, of the holy Koran.
Today, we are passing through pivotal periods in human history, marked byscience, speed, globalization and technology. All this requires in the first place a sound building for the health, scientific, and creative capabilities ofthe child, guide the energies of young people, activate the role of universities in applying research and scientific experiments, and seek to increase the youth's experiences and stimulate their creative potential through well-educated teaching methods, and rehabilitation of cadres capable of this.
Based on our believe in the value of science and education, we seek through our educational institutions in Taqarob schoolsto assume this role and take the initiative to carry this mission, and toinstil the passion for learning in our students,as we are keen to create the most suitable environment to provideknowledge, skills, and experience in an easy and most efficient and effective way, and through our institutions we guide the physical, mental, emotional, and social developmentof children and youth towards constructive and positive interaction in dealing with the current century, and the latest developments, as well as urging students to contribute to the educational process by interaction, determination, encouragement.
In achieving the objectives of our plans, we rely on a well-designed and developed programsand move as far as possible from the stereotyping of education and the deadly routine that undermines the productive capacities of both the teacher and the learner. To this end, we have equipped our educational institutions with appropriate educational means and modern techniques in delivering the information,aiming at promoting growth and building the capabilities of the youth who are capable of building and developing the community, and work in line with the developed nations.“Allah is from behind the intent”.
Dr. Ez Abu Rbileh